How do I connect to my Linux VPS using SSH? A detailed guide

Perform these steps to get the answer to How do I connect to my Linux VPS using SSH:

Initially To connect Linux VPS you need to connect your access your Windows Server remotely using RDP Functionality, here is a guide to How to access Windows Server then you need to gain SSH access using PuTTY,

How do I connect to my Linux VPS using SSH? A Step-by-Step Guide

1.To download PuTTY, visit the official website: PuTTY Download Page. Download the PuTTY installer for your operating system (Windows).

How do I connect to my Linux VPS using SSH?

2. Install PuTTY: – Run the downloaded installer. Follow the installation wizard’s instructions to install PuTTY on your PC.

3. Find PuTTY: After installation, navigate to the Start menu or search for it.

4. To open PuTTY: double-click the application icon.

5. Enter the hostname or IP address: In the “Host Name (or IP address)” column, type the hostname or IP address of the server you want to connect to.

How do I connect to my Linux VPS using SSH?

6. Specify the SSH port (if needed): By default, SSH uses port 22. If your SSH server uses a different port, specify it in the “Port” box.

7. Select SSH Connection Type: Make sure that the SSH radio button is selected. PuTTY supports a variety of protocols, however for SSH access, you should select SSH.

How do I connect to my Linux VPS using SSH?

8. (Optional)Save Session: To save time in the future, save this configuration by entering a name in the “Saved Sessions” section and clicking the “Save” button. This allows you to simply reload these settings later.

9. Open the Connection: Click the “Open” button at the bottom of the PuTTY window.

10. Authenticate: When connecting to a server, PuTTY will prompt you to verify the server’s SSH key fingerprint. Confirm by clicking “Yes.” PuTTY will then display a terminal window asking for your username. Enter your username, then press Enter.. Then you’ll be requested for your password. Enter your password (characters will not appear on the screen for security reasons) and press Enter.

11. Access Granted: With the correct username and password, you should now have SSH access to the server via PuTTY.

12. Optional Settings : PuTTY provides a variety of settings for terminal appearance, SSH options, and more. You can explore these by clicking on the various categories in the PuTTY settings window’s left-hand menu.

That’s it! You now have SSH access via PuTTY. You’ve got your answer to How do I connect to my Linux VPS using SSH. Remember to properly log out of your session when you’re done.

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Also read: How to access Windows Server

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