10 types of Website Error and their Solutions

Nowadays, often, when you try to visit a web page or a website, you are met with an HTTP error message. It’s a message from the web server that something went wrong. So what does this HTTP and HTTP Error mean?

Meaning of HTTP CODE?

Whenever you are trying to visit a web page, your browser sends out a request to the web server where the web page is held. Whether the request was successful or not, or there was any issue according to that, the web server replies with the help of HTTP codes.

Suppose you’re at a restaurant, and you place an order for a dish. The HTTP status code, in this scenario, is like the chef’s note that comes back with your order. It’s not part of the dish you ordered; instead, it’s a separate message from the kitchen indicating how well they were able to fulfill your request.

If everything goes smoothly, and your order is prepared without any issues, it’s like receiving a “200 OK” note – everything is good, and your dish is ready to be served.

On the other hand, if the kitchen encounters a problem, like they ran out of ingredients or couldn’t understand your order, you might get a “404 Not Found” note. In this case, they’re letting you know that the dish you requested is unavailable.

In this analogy, just as the chef’s note doesn’t affect the actual content of the dish, HTTP status codes don’t alter the content of the website; they’re additional messages that convey information about the success or challenges in fulfilling the client’s request.

Whenever accessing a website , the webserver sends relevant files along with HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) status codes which are three-digit numbers that the server sends to the client’s browser which is part of the HTTP header. They provide information about the status of the requested resource or the success/failure of the client’s request.

These three-digit codes are organized into classes, each carrying specific meanings.

1xx Informational: Provides information about the status of the request.
2xx Success: Indicates that the request was successfully received, understood, and accepted.
3xx Redirection: Informs the client that further action needs to be taken to complete the request.
4xx Client Error: Indicates that the client seems to have made an error or the request cannot be fulfilled.
5xx Server Error: Indicates that the server has encountered an error or is incapable of performing the request.

All of these codes and their meanings are maintained by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), Just like Stock Market is looked over by SEBI ( Securities and Exchange Board of India)

When something goes wrong when a web page loads or is being interacted with, it is called a website error. It can show up as a number of problems, like unusual behaviors, error messages, or sites that won’t load. These errors may be caused by conflicts in the resources being loaded, server issues, or problems with the website’s coding. These errors are usually software, but rarely, you might find the issue is actually with the hardware.Identifying and resolving issues with websites require analyzing server configurations, troubleshooting code, and guaranteeing a smooth user experience. Fixing these problems is essential to keeping a website that works and is easy to use.

Website Error
Website Error

DNS (Domain Name System) converts human-readable domain names (for example, www.example.com) into IP addresses, which computers use to find one another on the internet. A DNS error indicates that the system is unable to locate the right IP address linked to the specified domain.


Incorrect DNS configuration.
Registration of an expired domain.
Inaccurate or out-of-date name server data.
DNS provider-related problems.


Check your DNS settings.

Examine the DNS configuration in the management panel of your domain registrar. Make sure your domain’s DNS records—such as A, CNAME, and MX—are set up appropriately. It’s critical to fix DNS problems as soon as possible because they can prevent users from accessing your website. Maintaining proper DNS records, keeping an eye on the status of your domain registration, and quickly responding to warnings from your DNS provider or domain registrar are all important. A dependable and consistent link between your domain name and its associated IP address is ensured by this proactive approach.

Imagine a potentially high turnover customer is coming to your website and is unable to reach you and is instead received with a blank loading screen and you’ve lost a whole lot of opportunity. Sounds like a nightmare doesn’t it?

This issue occurs when the user’s browser is unable to establish a communication link or connection with your web server. this creates a failure of interaction with the server and increases the bounce rate of your website.


Internet Connectivity Issues: The client may have problems connecting to the internet, hence limiting its ability to reach the server.

Firewall settings: To understand impact of firewall settings in creating website errors. Initially try to understand meaning of Firewall. A firewall is a type of network security system that uses pre-established security rules to monitor and regulate all incoming and outgoing network traffic.

They review and regulate data flow according to these predetermined security policies. Firewalls are essential for defending computer networks and systems against destructive traffic, cyberattacks, and unwanted access. It acts as a line of defense between reputable networks and questionable networks, such as the Internet. So sometimes the company’s webserver or users browser may confuse the other side of the network hazardous and deny access to it.


Verify Your Internet Connection:

Verify that the customer has a strong, operational internet connection. Identify and fix any network connectivity difficulties, including cable connectivity issues or Wi-Fi outages.

Check the Status of Server:

To find out if the server is up and running, check its status. This includes verifying that the server is powered on, that its services are operational, and that it is not in the process of being maintained.

Firewall Configurations:

Examine the firewall configurations on the client and server ends. Verify that the appropriate ports are open and that communication between them is permitted by firewall rules. Firewall settings should be adjusted appropriately.

To understand what is SSL Certificate Error? Let’s understand the meaning of What is SSL Certificate.

Meaning of SSL Certificate: SSL Certificate is a security protocol that stands for Secure Sockets Layer. SSL in the most basic terms can be explained as it protects the transfer of information that happens between two parties by encrypting them.

It ensures that the data transfer that happens between two parties remains safe and cannot be hacked or misused by any kind of malicious party this is for protecting all confidential and important information. SSL Certificate also acts as an authentication for any website, it builds a sense of security, trust and professionalism in the minds of people.

When a web browser is unable to validate the SSL certificate that is installed on a website or either there is no SSL Certificate downloaded, an SSL certificate error happens. Users will see an error message in their browser alerting them that the website is not secure, instead of being connected to your website. Unencrypted websites may experience drops in traffic and conversion rates. In addition to being marked as “Not secure” in Google Chrome, 85% of internet users steer clear of these websites.

SSL Certificate Error
  1. Clear the Browser Cache: Problems may arise from old or cached SSL certificates in the browser’s cache. To make sure the browser retrieves the most recent certificate, clear the cache.
  2. Verify Certificate Expiration: Verify the SSL certificate’s expiration date if the error suggests that it has expired. If the certificate has expired, renew it.
  3. Verify Certificate Chain: Determine that the root certificate and intermediate certificates, as well as the SSL certificate, are all a part of a legitimate certificate chain. Errors may arise from missing or incorrectly configured intermediate certificates.
  4. Correct Common Name Mismatch: Verify that the domain on the SSL certificate matches the domain of the website you are viewing if the error is related to a common name mismatch.
  5. Update System Clock: Verify that the client computer’s system clock is appropriately set. Due to the time sensitivity of SSL certificates, errors may arise from an incorrect system time.

The “102 Processing” status code is used in the context of WebDAV (Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning). To understand this code in depth, lets understand the role of this WebDAV in regards TO 102 ERROR. WebDAV is a collection of extensions to the HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) that enables collaborative editing and administration of files on web servers. It offers additional capability that goes beyond what is offered by conventional web servers and protocols, enabling users to add, transfer, copy, and delete documents locally and remotely.

The intent of 102 code is to inform that the client request has been received by the server and it is being processed, though it might take a while to finish because it might require several file actions. However, there isn’t an answer available at this moment. This keeps the client from thinking that the request is taking a long time, it might have been failed.


Complex File Operations: This status code is typically encountered in situations where a client has sent a WebDAV request that involves multiple complex file operations, and the server needs extra time to perform these operations.


Optimize Requests:
Developers can optimize their WebDAV requests to minimize the time required for file operations. This may involve batch processing or finding more efficient ways to perform the requested actions.

Use Alternative Status Codes:
As “102 Processing” is deprecated, it’s advisable to use alternative status codes for indicating ongoing processing. For example, the server might respond with a “202 Accepted” status code to acknowledge the request and inform the client that processing is in progress.

Implement Timeout Handling on the Client:
Clients can implement timeout handling to wait for a reasonable amount of time for the server to complete the processing. If a response is not received within the specified timeout period, the client can take appropriate action.

Follow WebDAV Best Practices:
Adhering to best practices for using WebDAV, including optimizing requests, handling responses gracefully, and considering alternative approaches, can contribute to a smoother interaction between clients and servers.

The “103 Early Hints” status code is used to deliver certain response headers to the client before the final HTTP message is ready.It helps the server to notify the client ahead of time of particular details, even before the entire answer is ready. As the client can begin processing some parts of the response while the server works on the complete content, this can be advantageous for optimization.

Let’s understand this with the help of an example, Imagine a server sending “103 Early Hints” when you visit a webpage. It’s like the server giving your browser a sneak peek by saying, “Hey, I’ll be sending some important files soon, get ready!” This helps your browser start fetching those files in advance, making the webpage load faster. Examples could include style sheets or scripts crucial for rendering the page.

This cant be said as an error but more of an early functionality.

The status code “202 Accepted” indicates that the request has been received by the server, recognized, and is now being processed. But the processing isn’t finished yet.It indicates that although the request has been received, the server still needs additional time to process it completely. The request’s conclusion is unknown at this time; after processing is finished, it may be approved or denied.


Asynchronous Processing:
“202 Accepted” is often used when the server needs time to handle the request asynchronously. This is common in scenarios where the processing might take a while, and the server doesn’t want to make the client wait.


Wait for Completion:
If you receive a “202 Accepted” response, it means the server is working on your request. You may need to wait for the processing to finish, and you might check back later to see if the request has been fully acted upon.

Check Server Logs:
If you are the developer or administrator, check server logs for more details on the ongoing processing. It may provide insights into why the request is taking time or if there are any issues.

Optimize Server Processing:
Developers can optimize server-side processing to reduce the time required for handling such requests. This may involve streamlining algorithms, improving database queries, or enhancing overall server performance.

Consider Client Retries:
Clients may consider implementing retry mechanisms if they don’t receive a final response within a reasonable time frame. However, this depends on the nature of the request and the specific application requirements.

The “204 No Content” error indicates that a request has been correctly processed by the server, but no extra content has been sent in the response. When the request is understood and performed but no new data or information has to be included, this status code is utilized. It is a sign that the server has nothing important to return, basically it’s not an  error in the conventional sense.


Successful Processing with No Additional Data:
“204 No Content” is typically used in scenarios where the request is successful, but there is no new data or content to provide in the response.


Check if Content is Expected:
If you expected content in the response and receive “204 No Content,” review the API documentation or server expectations. Ensure that the server behavior aligns with your expectations.

Consider Alternative Endpoints:
Depending on the use case, you might explore alternative endpoints that provide additional information if needed. Some requests might return data, while others may not.

Evaluate Request Parameters:
Review the parameters or payload sent with the request. Ensure that the request includes all necessary information for the server to process and respond appropriately.

Handle Response Appropriately:
In client applications, ensure that the code handling the server response is designed to handle scenarios where no additional content is returned. This may involve updating UI elements or informing the user accordingly.

The status code “207 Multi-Status” is used in the context of WebDAV (Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning). It is used when a single client request causes the server to receive multiple sub-requests, each of which may have a different status.It shows that there are several status codes in the answer, each of which relates to a different client sub-request.Subsequently, the server offers a combined response that contains the status codes for every sub-request.


Batch Operations:
“207 Multi-Status” is often used in scenarios where the client sends a single request that involves multiple operations (sub-requests) on different resources.

  • Review XML Message:
    Since the response body is typically in XML format, clients or developers need to parse this XML message to understand the status of each sub-request. Check the content of the XML to identify the specific status codes and messages.
  • Handle Individual Sub-Requests:
    Depending on the nature of the client’s original request, developers may need to handle each sub-request individually. This could involve addressing issues with specific resources or taking appropriate action based on each status code.
  • Improve Batch Request Handling:
    If the use of “207 Multi-Status” is causing challenges, consider optimizing how batch requests are handled. This may involve streamlining the logic of batch operations, improving error handling, and enhancing overall request processing.
  • Ensure WebDAV Compatibility:
    If the server is expected to support WebDAV functionality, ensure that it is configured correctly and follows the specifications outlined in the relevant RFC, in this case, RFC 4918.

Creating a website is one thing, but establishing a website is totally another Making your website relevant and creating goodwill and High DA and PA is gut-wrenching hard work. Suppose all of that work that you have created on your website all this time is suddenly gone and all your hard work is lost, Doesn’t it sound like a nightmare?

An HTTP status code of 301 denotes a permanent redirection of a web page. It notifies search engines and browsers that the requested resource has been moved permanently to a new location. Webmasters should adjust the server settings or configuration of their website to reflect the new URL in order to fix this error. By implementing 301 redirects through server configurations, you can maintain user experience and SEO rankings while ensuring that search engines and users are redirected to the most recent, accurate location.

One Gen-z example of such is changing your WhatsApp number, all your contacts are carry forwarded, all your backups are stored, you are present in everyone’s else’s WhatsApp just redirected to a different number, basically everything is redirected along with all the data to another number just like how all the data is redirected to another website


Change in URL Structure:
When URLs are renamed or restructured without implementing proper redirection (such as 301 redirects), users and search engines encounter the 301 error, as the requested content has permanently moved, causing potential disruptions and loss of SEO value.

Site Migration:
During the process of moving a website to a new domain or server, failing to establish 301 redirects for old URLs to corresponding new ones results in the 301 error, impacting user access and search engine indexing of the relocated content.

Consolidating Content:
Combining multiple pages into a single URL without setting up appropriate redirects leads to the 301 error, as users attempting to access the individual pages are informed of the permanent move, ensuring a seamless experience and preserving search engine rankings.


Implement 301 Redirects:
Configure the server to issue HTTP 301 responses for old URLs, directing both users and search engines to the new URLs, preserving SEO value and ensuring a seamless transition.

Update Internal Links:
Ensure that all internal links within the website are updated to point to the new URLs, preventing users from encountering broken links and maintaining a consistent navigation structure.

Inform Search Engines:
Submit an updated XML sitemap to search engines and use tools like Google Search Console to notify them of the URL changes, facilitating quicker indexing and accurate representation in search results.

Update External Links:
Proactively contact external websites linking to the old URLs, requesting them to update their links to the new URLs, preventing users from being redirected through unnecessary intermediate steps.

Monitor and Maintain:
Regularly check and update redirects, especially after significant website changes or updates, to address any potential issues promptly and ensure the continued accuracy of URL mappings.

Use Canonical Tags:
Implement canonical tags to signal search engines the preferred version of a page when duplicate content exists, preventing potential SEO issues arising from similar or identical content across different URLs.

A temporary redirection to an alternate URL is indicated by HTTP status code 302, which is also referred to as “Moved Temporarily.” Requests made in the future should still use the original URL, as the 302 code suggests that the resource has been temporarily moved. 301 status codes, on the other hand, indicate a permanent redirect. In order to preserve accurate web page indexing and guarantee a smooth user experience during temporary content relocation, 302 redirects must be handled correctly.

While A 301 redirect signifies a permanent move to a new URL, and search engines generally transfer the SEO equity (such as page authority and backlinks) from the old URL to the new one.

However , A 302 redirect denotes an interim relocation. Because search engines view the change as temporary, they might not transfer SEO value in the same way as they would with a 301 redirect. As a result, the original URL might or might not continue to rank highly in search engine results, which could lead to split indexing and a reduction in the combined SEO authority of both the URLs.

Causes :

Incorrect Server Configuration:

Server misconfiguration where the server is set to respond with a 302 status code for a resource that may not be temporarily moved.

Conflicting Directives in Code or CMS:

Conflicting instructions in the website’s code or CMS settings, leading to the generation of a 302 status code when accessing certain URLs.


Correct Server Configuration:

Review and update server settings to ensure that the correct HTTP status code, such as 301 for permanent redirects or 302 for temporary redirects, is being used based on the nature of the content relocation. Adjust server configurations accordingly.

Resolve Conflicting Directives:

Inspect the website’s code and CMS settings for conflicting directives related to redirects. Resolve conflicts by modifying the code or adjusting CMS configurations to provide clear and consistent instructions, ensuring the appropriate redirect status code is used.

The status code “307 Temporary Redirect” indicates that the requested resource has been temporarily relocated to another location. Future requests should still use the original URI, but the client should repeat the request using the updated URI supplied in the response.It serves to notify the client that the resource has temporarily moved and that any further requests should be made to the new address.

Wait a second, doesn’t this sound similar to the 302 redirect? So let’s understand the distinctiveness of 307 error from 302 error.

307 Temporary Redirect: When reissuing the initial request to the new URI, the client is expressly instructed not to modify the request method by the “307 Temporary Redirect” status. This is especially important when it comes to maintaining the original POST method while redirecting.

302 Found: In the past, when a user agent encountered a “302 Found” redirect, it would convert a POST request to a GET request. Unintentional behavior could result from this, particularly when handling sensitive data.

So basically there are two methods of submitting a request :

GET: The GET method in HTTP is employed to request data from a server. It appends parameters to the URL, making the data visible in the address bar. GET is suitable for non-sensitive information retrieval and is commonly used for tasks like fetching web pages or conducting searches.


If you are searching for information on a website, the search query might be sent using the GET method. For instance, if you enter “cat” in the search bar and press Enter, the URL might look like: https://example.com/search?q=cat. Here, “q” is the parameter carrying the search query. GET is suitable for situations where the data is not sensitive and can be visible in the URL.

POST: The POST method in HTTP is used to submit data from a client (such as a web browser) to a server for processing. Unlike the GET method, which appends data to the URL, POST sends the data in the request body. This makes POST suitable for transmitting sensitive information, as the data is not exposed in the URL.


Suppose you are submitting a form on a website to create a new account. The form may include fields like username, password, and email. When you click the “Submit” button, the data (username, password, email) is sent to the server using the POST method. This is because you’re submitting sensitive information that you wouldn’t want to be visible in the URL.

Hence , The primary distinctions can be found in how each status code handles the request method during redirection. “302 Found” has historically been associated with changing the request method, which could have unforeseen consequences. “307 Temporary Redirect” specifically preserves the original request method in scenarios involving non-idempotent methods (such as POST), providing more consistent behavior during redirection.


Temporary Location Change:

“307 Temporary Redirect” is used when the server wants to tell the client that the requested resource has moved temporarily to another location. This could be due to maintenance or a temporary change in resource location.

  • Repeat Request to New Location:
    If a client receives a “307 Temporary Redirect” response, it should repeat the same request using the new URI provided in the response.
  • Maintain Original URI for Future Requests:
    While the current request needs to be redirected, the client should continue to use the original URI for future requests. The resource has moved temporarily, and the client should be aware that this is not a permanent change.
  • Do Not Change Request Method:
    Unlike some historical implementations of other redirect codes, the client should not change the request method when reissuing the original request. If the original request was a POST, for example, the repeated request to the new URI should also be a POST.

An HTTP “400 Bad Request” error means that the client’s request is not understood by the server because it is not formatted correctly or has invalid elements. Frequently, the reasons tend to be requests that are not formatted correctly or there is lack the necessary parameters. Likewise, sending data that is not in the correct format or that is larger than allowed can result in this error.

Clients should carefully check their requests to ensure proper syntax and include all necessary parameters before attempting to handle. Servers should also provide clients with informative error messages that explain the specific problems with their requests. Resolving these problems enables the client and server to successfully communicate.

For Example:

Imagine a scenario where a user attempts to submit a registration form on a website, but encounters a “400 Bad Request” error. This could be due to the user leaving a mandatory field, such as the email address, blank. In this case:

  1. Missing Parameter: The user’s request lacks the required parameter (email), making it improperly formatted.
  2. Incorrect Format: Alternatively, if the user enters an email in an invalid format, like missing the “@” symbol, the server may not comprehend the request.

Solution 1: To fix this, the user should ensure all mandatory fields are filled, providing a valid email address in the correct format.

Solution 2: The server, in response to a “400 Bad Request,” could include an informative error message, guiding the user to correct their input by specifying the missing or incorrectly formatted parameters. This way, the user can rectify the issues and resubmit the form successfully.

Imagine a user trying to view their bank account details without logging in for going to the private section of an online banking portal. The server returns a “401 Unauthorized” error when the user submits the request. When a client submits a request without the required authentication credentials, access to the requested resource is refused and they receive a “401 Unauthorized” HTTP error. The cause of this situation is that the user’s request lacked the necessary authentication credentials, like an functional username and password.

The user needs to supply accurate login credentials as the solution. When the server detects that there is a questionable request for access, then it notifies the user by displaying the “401 Unauthorized” status and asks them to securely log in before they can access the restricted financial data. This error ensures that unauthorized individuals cannot access sensitive account details without proper authentication. In this scenario the cause are:

  • User Action: Attempting to access a personal account page without logging in.
  • Cause: The client request doesn’t include proper login credentials.

The user should provide valid login credentials, such as a username and password, in the request header. The server, in response to the “401 Unauthorized” error, prompts the user to authenticate, ensuring secure access to the protected resource.

The HTTP error “403 Forbidden” signifies that although a client has submitted a legitimate request, the server is unable to process it because of limited authorization. This status indicates that the user is not permitted to access the requested resource, much like a digital “keep-out” sign.

Consider a website that has a private database with sensitive documents on it. The server would respond with a “403 Forbidden” error if a user (like a intern) tried to access this database (like a food product’s Core recipe) without the required permissions. This might occur because the user is trying to access a file that is limited up to a certain authority only and is meant for a particular user.

As a digital checkpoint, the “403 Forbidden” error protects content that is restricted from unauthorized users and prompts them to obtain the appropriate permissions for access. In this scenario cause was


The user lacks the necessary permissions to view the admin dashboard.


To resolve this, the user needs to log in with valid credentials or acquire the necessary permissions to access the restricted content.

Suppose all the pain and hard work that you have taken to optimize each page of your website and build it’s authority. It all goes to vain and the targeted audience can’t access it , sounds horrifying, doesn’t it?

This can happen whenever a user tries to access a page of your website but is instead responded with a page showcasing “404 Error” this can take place because of broken links, non-functional page, mistyped URL, a deleted or moved page, or a server misconfiguration. Essentially, the server is saying, “I couldn’t find what you’re looking for.”

404 errors are one of those issues that you can occasionally not avoid, though. Good news? You may use a little creativity to turn your 404 error page into a promotional tool. With a little innovation in your 404 page you can leave a impression in your audience’s mind and redirect them to a different pages by adding different categories and home page button of your website. Such as :


404 error

Spotify, a massive music streaming company, has everything covered with a smart 404 page. The website quickly amuses visitors with a clever wordplay and a lighthearted record animation before redirecting them to their original page. Alternatively, they can quickly access the FAQ or Community page.

  1. Mistyped URL:
    • Users might enter a URL incorrectly in the browser’s address bar.
  2. Broken or Outdated Links:
    • Links on a website pointing to non-existent or outdated pages.
  3. Deleted or Moved Content:
    • Pages might be deleted or moved to different locations without proper redirection.
  4. Server Misconfiguration:
    • Server misconfigurations may prevent the correct mapping of URLs to resources.
  5. Expired Content:
    • Content might be time-sensitive and has expired or been removed.
  1. Custom 404 Pages:
    • Create informative and user-friendly custom 404 pages that guide users back to relevant content or offer site navigation options.
  2. Redirections:
    • Implement 301 redirects for permanently moved pages and 302 redirects for temporary changes to ensure users are directed to the correct location.
  3. Regular Link Checks:
    • Conduct regular link checks to identify and fix broken or outdated links within the website.
  4. Monitoring and Logging:
    • Implement monitoring and logging tools to track 404 errors and promptly address any issues.
  5. User Guidance:
    • Provide clear error messages and guidance on 404 pages, helping users understand why the requested resource is unavailable and suggesting alternative paths.

An HTTP error known as “405 Method Not Allowed” appears on the server when a request is made using a method that is not compatible with the resource being sought. To put it another way, it’s similar to attempting to use the incorrect tool for the job at hand. For example, trying to drive a screw with a hammer.

  1. Incorrect Request Method:
    • Cause: Making a request with a method that the server does not allow for the given resource.
    • Example: Trying to update information on a website using a GET request when the server expects a POST request.
  1. Use the Correct Request Method:
    • Solution: Ensure that you are using the appropriate HTTP method for the specific action required by the resource. If the server expects data submission, use a POST request; if it’s for retrieving information, use a GET request.
  2. Check Server Documentation:
    • Solution: Refer to the documentation of the server or API you are interacting with to understand which methods are allowed for each resource.
  3. Update Client-Side Code:
    • Solution: If you’re a developer, review and update the client-side code to use the correct HTTP method for the intended action.
  4. Verify Resource Permissions:
    • Solution: Ensure that the resource allows the method you are trying to use. For example, some resources may only permit read operations (GET) and not modifications (POST, PUT, DELETE).
  5. Server Configuration:
    • Solution: Check the server configuration to ensure that it permits the desired methods for the requested resource

The “408 Request Timeout” error means that a client’s request took too long to arrive, thus the server gave up waiting for it. Imagine waiting patiently for a response from someone who takes too long. A “408 Request Timeout” happens, for example, when a user clicks a button on a sluggish internet connection and the server doesn’t get the requested action in the anticipated amount of time such as you went shopping in a supermarket like D-Mart and you have make an online payment via scanning a QR Code, but because of slow network it takes time to process the payment and payment gateway of server times out .

In order to address this, clients should make sure that requests are submitted on time, developers can optimize code to process requests more quickly, and administrators can change server settings to account for any delays. In certain situations, clients are advised by the error message to try the same request again at a later time.


Sluggish client reaction: The client sends the request to the server too slowly.As an illustration, consider a sluggish network or a client processing the request slowly before transmitting it.


Verify Your Network Connection:To prevent request transmission delays, make sure the client has a dependable and quick network connection.
Enhance Code on the Client Side.

Optimize Client-Side Code: To speed up the generation and sending of requests, developers should optimize the client-side code.
Boost the server timeout configuration.

Increase Server Timeout Settings: To accommodate slower clients, administrators can modify the server timeout settings to provide longer waiting times.
Put Retry Mechanism in Place.

The “413 Payload Too Large” error indicates that a client has sent a request to the server with data that surpasses the server’s allowed limit. It’s akin to attempting to squeeze too many items into a box that cannot accommodate them all. For instance, if a user tries to upload an image file larger than the server permits, the server responds with a “413 Payload Too Large” error.

To resolve this, clients should reduce the amount of data in their requests, administrators can adjust server settings for larger payloads, and developers can communicate clear guidelines regarding maximum allowable sizes to prevent such errors. Utilizing compression and chunked transfer encoding are also strategies to handle large payloads more effectively.

  1. Exceeding Server Limit:
    • Cause: Sending more data in the request than the server permits.
    • Example: Uploading an image file larger than the server’s specified size limit.
  1. Reduce Data Size:
    • Solution: Clients should minimize the amount of data in their requests, especially when uploading files, to fit within the server’s limits.
  2. Check Server Settings:
    • Solution: Server administrators should review and adjust size limits in server settings to accommodate larger payloads if necessary.
  3. Use Compression:
    • Solution: Clients can compress data before sending it to reduce its size, making it more likely to fit within server limits.
  4. Provide Clear Guidelines:
    • Solution: Developers should communicate clear guidelines to clients regarding the maximum allowed payload size to avoid unintentional oversized requests.
  5. Implement Chunked Transfer Encoding:
    • Solution: For large uploads, clients can consider using chunked transfer encoding to send data in smaller portions, preventing a single, large payload.

The web address (URI) supplied in a client’s request is too long for the server to process, as indicated by the “414 URI Too Long” error. It would be impossible to fit a whole novel title on a little label. For example, the server returns a “414 URI Too Long” error when a user submits a search query with an unusually long URL. Clients can fix this by using shorter data representations, converting GET requests to POST requests for larger data submissions, and making sure server configurations allow longer URIs. It’s similar to simplifying the address so the server can handle it easier.


Excessive Data in URL: Adding an excessive amount of data to the URL, usually in the query-string of a GET request.
Example: Entering a really long URL in the search query.


Convert to POST Request: If the request contains a significant amount of data, think about changing the method from GET to POST, which enables greater data uploads without length constraints.

Use POST for Data: POST allows for more broad and secure data transfer by transferring data in the request body rather than encoding vast amounts of data in the URL.

Shorten URLs: By using more succinct data representations or by shortening parameters, clients can shorten URLs.

The “415 Unsupported Media Type” error occurs when a client sends data to the server in a format that the server doesn’t understand or support. It’s like trying to speak a language the listener doesn’t comprehend. For instance, if a user uploads an image using a format the server doesn’t recognize, such as image/svg+xml when it expects a different format, a “415 Unsupported Media Type” error occurs.


Incorrect Data Format:
Cause: Sending data in a media type or format that the server doesn’t recognize or support.
Example: Uploading an image in a format the server doesn’t expect, like using SVG when it requires a different image format.


Use Supported Media Type: Clients should ensure they send data in a media type supported by the server. Check server documentation for accepted formats.

Convert Data Format: If possible, convert the data on the client side to a format supported by the server before sending it.

Check Server Requirements: Verify server requirements for data formats and adjust client-side submissions accordingly

The “422 Unprocessable Entity” error indicates that the client’s request was properly structured but could not be fulfilled due to semantic or logical errors within the request. It’s like writing a grammatically correct sentence that doesn’t make sense.Such as

“The refrigerator danced ballet on the moon.”

Similarly, if a user submits a form with valid information but in a context that doesn’t align with the application’s logic, a “422 Unprocessable Entity” error occurs.


Excessive Data in URL: Adding an excessive amount of data to the URL, usually in the query-string of a GET request.
Example: Entering a really long URL in the search query.


Convert to POST Request: If the request contains a significant amount of data, think about changing the method from GET to POST, which enables greater data uploads without length constraints

Use POST for Data: POST allows for more broad and secure data transfer by transferring data in the request body rather than encoding vast amounts of data in the URL.

Shorten URLs: By using more succinct data representations or by shortening parameters, clients can shorten URLs.

When a request is being processed by the server and something goes wrong, the message “HTTP 500 Internal Server Error” is displayed. A 500 error, as opposed to particular errors that highlight the problem, is a more broad response to unanticipated server difficulties. As in, “Something broke, but we’re not sure what.” When the server runs across an issue that doesn’t cleanly fall under one of the categories, it will display this error.

500 error

Server-Side Glitches: Unpredictable issues on the server, such as mis configurations, software bugs, or conflicts.
Example: A programming error in the server’s code that causes unexpected behavior.


Check Server Logs: Server administrators should examine server logs for detailed error messages, helping identify the specific issue.

Fix Coding Errors: Developers should review and fix any errors in the server-side code that might be causing the unexpected behavior.

Update Software: Ensure that all server software, including the operating system and web server, is up to date to address any known bugs or vulnerabilities.

The “502 Bad Gateway” error is like a communication breakdown between servers on the internet. Imagine it as a relay race where one runner (server) passes the baton (data) to another, but the receiving runner (another server) drops it or gives an invalid response. This error suggests a problem in the teamwork of servers, causing disruptions in internet services. It’s quite common and can happen in different situations.


Server Miscommunication: One server, acting as a gateway or proxy, receives a confusing or faulty response from another server.
Example: The server trying to get information from another server gets a response it can’t understand.


Verify Network Connection: Make sure there are no interruptions and that your internet connection is steady.

Wait and Try Again: If the error continues, it might be a temporary issue, so waiting a little and then trying the action again could be helpful.

Get in touch with website support: If the problem appears on a particular website frequently, you can get help by getting in touch with the administrators or support team of that website.

The error “503 Service Unavailable” indicates that the server hosting a website or online service is temporarily unable to process incoming requests. This might occur if the server is handling an excessive amount of traffic at once, such as an unexpected spike in users attempting to visit a well-known website. Another frequent cause is when the server is purposefully pulled offline for updates or maintenance, causing it to become momentarily inaccessible.

Such as a well known brand Kylie Cosmetics when launched it’s debut as a website, the website crashed terribly, creating nothing but chaos and adding it to bad books of people.

To fix this, users can wait for some time and try again when the server load is lower. Additionally, administrators can optimize server resources, implement efficient code, and schedule maintenance during periods of low user activity to minimize the impact of the error.


Server Overload: The server is receiving more requests than it can handle at a given moment.
Example: A website experiencing a sudden surge in traffic overwhelms the server.

Maintenance: The server is intentionally taken offline for maintenance or updates.
Example: A web service is temporarily shut down for upgrades or fixes.


Clear Browser Cache: Delete the cookies and cache from your browser. Cache-related issues can occasionally be the source of the problem. Try accessing the website once more after deleting the cache.

Try a Different Device or Network: If at all possible, try using a different device or network to view the website. This can assist in figuring out whether the problem is unique to your present network or device.

Increase Server Capacity: In order to accommodate more requests, particularly during peak hours, server administrators might increase server capacity.

Code Optimization: To increase productivity and manage more concurrent requests, developers should optimize server setups and code.

When you browse the internet, you may come across the “504 Gateway Timeout” error message. This message indicates that the intermediary server, which is facilitating communication between you and another server, did not receive a timely response from the second server. Consider requesting information from a friend who responds slowly. This occurs when you try to access a website or service that depends on another server, and that server is unresponsive or operating slowly. You can attempt to reload the page, verify that your internet connection is working, or simply wait and try again later.


Upstream Server Delay: The server that the gateway is trying to connect to is taking too much time to respond.
Example: A website’s database server is slow in providing data.

Network Issues:There are network problems between the gateway server and the upstream server, causing delays.
Example: Internet congestion or connection issues affecting communication.


Retry the Request: As a user, try reloading or refreshing the page. It’s possible that the delay is temporary, and the server might respond on a retry.

Check Network Connection: Ensure that your internet connection is stable. If the issue persists, it could be a network problem between servers.

Upstream Server Optimization: Server administrators of the upstream server should optimize its performance to respond more quickly.

Review Network Configuration:Server administrators can review and optimize network configurations to ensure smooth communication between the gateway and upstream server.

The “505 HTTP Version Not Supported” error occurs when the server doesn’t understand or support the version of the HTTP protocol that a client is using to make a request. It’s like speaking a language that the listener doesn’t recognize. Imagine you’re trying to access a cutting-edge website using an old web browser that doesn’t support the latest communication standards. It’s like attempting to have a conversation in a language that has evolved, but you’re using an outdated dialect. The website, configured to understand the latest version of the language, responds with a “505 HTTP Version Not Supported” error because it can’t comprehend the outdated language your browser is speaking.


Outdated Browser or Client: The web browser or client making the request is using an outdated or unsupported version of the HTTP protocol.
Example: Trying to access a modern website with an old version of Internet Explorer.

Server Configuration Issue: The server is not configured to accept the version of the HTTP protocol used in the request.
Example: The website’s server only supports newer HTTP versions, and the client is using an older one.


Update Browser or Client: Ensure your web browser or client is updated to the latest version that supports the HTTP version expected by the server.

Check Server Configuration: Server administrators should review and update server configurations to support the HTTP versions used by clients.

Use a Different Browser: If possible, try using a different web browser. Some browsers might be more up-to-date and compatible with the server.

Contact Website Support: If the issue persists, contact the website’s support team for guidance and assistance.

HTTP status code 511 indicates that the client needs to authenticate to gain network access. This status code is not a standard part of the HTTP/1.1 specification, but it has been defined in the HTTP Authentication-Related Status Codes draft.

Here’s a breakdown of what a 511 error typically means:

  • 511 Network Authentication Required: The client must authenticate itself to get permission to access the network. This might be used in a scenario where a network requires authentication, and the client needs to provide valid credentials before being granted access.

If you encounter a 511 error, it’s likely related to network security or access controls. The client (usually a web browser or other user agent) needs to provide valid authentication credentials to proceed.

It’s worth noting that this status code may not be widely supported by all web servers or applications, and its usage might be specific to certain contexts or custom implementations. Always refer to the documentation or specifications of the particular system you are working with to understand the specific implications of a 511 error in that context.

  1. Network Authentication Requirement:
    • Description: The network you are trying to access requires users to authenticate before granting access.
    • Possible Issue: Failure to provide valid authentication credentials.
  2. Incorrect Authentication Credentials:
    • Description: Entered username or password may be incorrect.
    • Possible Issue: User failed to provide accurate authentication details.
  3. Network Configuration Issues:
    • Description: Misconfigurations in DNS, IP, or network security settings.
    • Possible Issue: Network settings are not properly configured, hindering authentication.
  4. Proxy Server Authentication:
    • Description: A proxy server is in use, and it requires authentication.
    • Possible Issue: Failure to configure the client with correct proxy settings or provide required authentication details.
  5. VPN Authentication:
    • Description: If using a VPN, it may require authentication.
    • Possible Issue: VPN settings, including authentication credentials, are incorrect or missing.
  1. Check Authentication Credentials:
    • Double-check entered username and password. Ensure correct credentials for network access.
  2. Network Configuration Issues:
    • Misconfigurations in DNS, IP, or network security settings.
    • Verify and correct network settings for proper configuration.
  3. Proxy Server Authentication:
    • Proxy server requires authentication.
    • Configure the client with correct proxy settings and provide required authentication details.
  4. VPN Authentication:
    • VPN connection requires authentication.
    • Verify VPN settings, including authentication credentials. Ensure a proper VPN connection.
  5. Custom Authentication Mechanism:
    • Network uses custom/non-standard authentication.
    • Review documentation or consult the network administrator for specific authentication requirements.

As the name itself suggests , When a website or online application displays a completely blank white screen to users instead of the expected content, it’s known as the “White Screen of Death” (WSOD), which is an unsettling situation in web development. It’s like gazing into a blank screen on a computer, with nothing to see. This phenomena happens when the script runs into a significant issue, usually in the underlying PHP code, and stops working, leaving viewers with nothing but a blank screen in place of the desired web page.


Script :The WSOD usually occurs when there’s a significant error in the website’s code, often a PHP error, that stops the script from running. It’s a signal that something went wrong, but instead of showing an error message, you just get a blank screen.


Enable PHP Error Reporting:Turn on error reporting in PHP to reveal more details about what’s causing the problem. This helps you pinpoint the error.

Check Server Logs: Examine the server logs for any PHP errors or issues. Server logs often provide additional information about what went wrong.

Review Recent Code Changes: If you recently made changes to the website’s code, review those changes. The WSOD might be a result of a recent update or modification.

When a secure web-page utilizing HTTPS tries to include content (such scripts or images) from an mistrusted source using HTTP, it results in Mixed Content Errors. Consider constructing a fort with strong (HTTPS) walls and a weaker material gate (HTTP). Due to the possibility of malicious parties exploiting the unsafe elements, this affects the web-page’s overall security. An image from an insecure source (HTTP), for example, can expose a secure banking site (HTTPS) to potential security risks. In order to fix this, developers must make sure that HTTPS is used by every component of the secure environment, resulting in a reliable and consistent security infrastructure.

While this is not a current in function error, but it is a threat of a future potential error. As we all know the idiom “Precaution is better than Cure”, it’s safe to say that we should only use legitimate and authorized elements in our website.


When a website is set up with HTTPS for secure communication, all resources, such as images or scripts, should also be loaded securely (via HTTPS). If even one resource is loaded using the insecure HTTP protocol, browsers might block it to maintain a secure connection.


Update Resource Links: Change all resource links on the web page to use HTTPS instead of HTTP. This ensures a consistent and secure connection. Check for HTTPS

Support: Ensure that all external resources (like third-party scripts or images) support HTTPS. If not, consider finding alternative secure sources. Content Delivery Network

Content Delivery Network(CDN): If you’re using a Content Delivery Network (CDN), make sure it supports HTTPS, as CDNs often serve resources like images or scripts.

Review Content Sources: Carefully review and update all sources of content, including scripts, stylesheets, and images, to be compatible with HTTPS.

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Also Read: What is Server Operating System

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